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Anglophone English MS - CM2

MS - CP Wednesday, 14h - 15h30
CE1, CE2 - Wednesday, 10h - 12h
CM1, CM2 - Wednesday, 12h - 14h


Anglophone English

MS - CM2

768€ (64hrs)

Our Anglophone lessons are for children who have English as a language in their daily lives, or who have spent an extended period of time in an English speaking school or country. Children have already naturally acquired speaking and comprehension skills through their environment. However, reading and writing are complex skills that must be explicitly taught and practised in a variety of contexts for fluency and proficiency to be achieved. Our lessons are designed to immerse children in authentic topics that stimulate their motivation to learn, while consolidating and building their literacy skills in an English classroom environment. 

  • Students are provided rich language experiences through stories, songs, rhymes and poems, engaging  in repetition, role-plays and discussions. 




  • Phonics are learned through hands-on games and activities, leading to first steps in reading and writing simple words and sentences. With growth, students express their ideas using subject-specific vocabulary, grammatical structure, figurative language and spelling rules are integrated into rich writing activities. 




  • Children begin by reading simple texts, and talking about what they have read. Their interest and motivation as readers is evoked through exposure to a variety of books. As they develop their independence as readers, children read accurately, focusing on understanding and meaning, selecting from a broad range of fiction and non-fiction texts for understanding and enjoyment.




  • Thematic units provide a framework for opportunities to engage in imaginative themes or real-world contexts with essential language skills embedded within creative activities and projects.





  • 2h contact class time, plus online classroom activities. Maximum 8 children in a class with a qualified English teacher.

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